Lord from Thy hands cometh
all good. All blessings and all benedictions come from Thy hand. With Thy
fingers Thou hast written the character of Nature which none may read unless he
be taught in Thy school. Therefore let us lift up our eyes to Thee, O Lord,
even as servants look upon the hands of their master and as maids look upon
the hands of their mistress, that Thou mayest help us.
O Lord our God, who should
not praise Thee, who should not glorify Thee, the King of Glory! For all things
come from Thee and hearken unto Thee, and must all return to Thee again, being
received either in Thy love or Thy wrath. Nothing can escape Thee, all things
must serve Thy honor and glory. Thou alone and none other art the Lord. Thou
dost what Thou wilt with Thy mighty arm, nothing can escape Thee.
Thou alone dost help the
humble, the meek and the poor, those who are devoted to Thee with all their
heart, in their hour of need, those who humble themselves in the dust before
Thee, to them Thou art gracious.
Who should not praise Thee,
O Thou King of Glory; there is none like unto Thee, whose dwelling place is in
heaven and in a troubled and virtuous holy heart. O Great God; Thou all in all!
O Nature! thou everything from nothing, what more then shall I say? I am nothing
in myself, I am everything in thee, and I live in thine everything from
nothing: live Thou then in me, and so bring me unto the all in Thee. Amen.
— From “Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians of the 16th and
17th Centuries”
by “A Brother of the Fraternity”
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